Wednesday, 7 July 2010

What Digipaks consist of

Digipaks are a form of media which not only shows the music video but it also gives information into the making and production of the piece. Digipak is a patented style of CD or DVD packaging. Typically Digipaks consist of a gate fold, paper board outer binding with one or more plastic trays capable of holding a CD or DVD. Digi-style packaging is often used for CD singles or special editions of CD albums and the tall DVD Digipak (DVDigipak) and is used as a premium packing of DVDS and DVD sets. Digipak style cases grew in popularity among record lables and recording artists in the early 2000's.

Typical features and contense of a Digipak can vary. Most will contain the Albm in eiher CD or DVD form and can have the artists videos, or films showing the production of the album and music videos. They can also contain posters and exclusive artwork or merchandise.


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